For immediate release
8th September 2021
Interreg synergy for marine renewables
Accelerate your business with OPIN, MEA, FAN-BEST, BLUE-GIFT, Ocean DEMO, and AFLOWT
Come and meet six Interreg projects related to Marine Renewable Energies at SEANERGY 2021, on the 23rd of September in Nantes, France.
OPIN, MEA, Ocean DEMO, AFLOWT (Interreg North-West Europe) and BLUE-GIFT, FAN-BEST (Interreg Atlantic Arc) are pleased to announce their networking cocktail event and invite all interested parties to join! The reception will take place in the exhibition area of SEANERGY 2021, at the WEAMEC/Pays de la Loire booth from 4pm.
This coalition of Interreg projects addresses the various needs of companies through their innovation journey. Starting at early stages with OPIN, they can then receive technical and business services in MEA and FAN-BEST, and finally get testing and demonstration opportunities within BLUE-GIFT, Ocean DEMO and AFLOWT.
This networking event is an opportunity to meet entities that are accelerating the Marine Renewable Energy sector by supporting technology companies to develop their innovative solutions. And if your company has already been supported, join us to share your feedbacks and meet the network of supported companies!
There is no need to register. Just drop by!
Laura-Mae Macadré, Project Manager at WEAMEC – Centrale Nantes said:
“We are delighted to host this networking event and show the complementarity of our 6 Interreg projects. The range of services offered through this family of projects is a key support for the marine renewables sector growth. This networking event will also be the finest closure for the OPIN Annual Symposium we will organise on 23rd September afternoon at SEANERGY 2021.”
Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) is a European Territorial Cooperation Programme funded by the European Commission with the ambition to make the North-West Europe area a key economic player and an attractive place to work and live, with high levels of innovation, sustainability and cohesion. In the period of 2014-2020 it invested EUR 376 million of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in activities based on the cooperation of organisations from eight countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. For further information, visit: www.nweurope.eu
As part of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy, Interreg Atlantic Area supports transnational cooperation projects in 36 Atlantic regions of five countries: France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, contributing to the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion. For further information, visit: www.atlanticarea.eu
For Ocean Power Innovation Network (OPIN): www.nweurope.eu/opin
Laura-Mae Macadré, Project Manager at WEAMEC – Centrale Nantes
laura-mae.macadre@weamec.fr & OPIN@seai.ie
For Marine Energy Alliance (MEA): www.nweurope.eu/mea
Daphne Linzell, Project Manager at DMEC
For FAN-BEST: fanbest.eu
Boris Teillant, Project Developer at Atlanpole
For Blue-GIFT: bluegift.eu
Janete Gonçalves, Communication Manager at WavEC Offshore Renewables
For Ocean DEMO: www.nweurope.eu/oceandemo
Victor Kempf, Communications and Events Manager at Ocean Energy Europe
For AFLOWT: www.nweurope.eu/aflowt
Annemarie Smyth at SEAI
This Press release only reflects the authors’ view. The programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.