Photo Credit: Colin Keldie
Photo Credit: Colin Keldie
BLUEGIFT is a €2.5M European Regional Development Fund project that aims to help Atlantic Area companies test the next generation of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) technology in real sea environments and prove power can be economically generated from the ocean.
The project will result in a minimum of 8 MRE floating wind, wave or tidal pre-commercial demonstrations, over 24,000hrs of operation, work with over 20 SME’s, sustaining 30+ jobs and helping to secure €15M investment into MRE companies.
The test centres cover the major geographical spread and resource types and are evenly distributed across the Atlantic Area programme area:
Access to one or more Test Sites to perform Tests and Validation is granted through a series of competitive calls; the proposals received on each call will be checked for eligibility, evaluated by a User Selection Board and, if successful, granted aid to access the Test Site of the Users’ choice by means of a Support Package Vouchers.